3 min readNov 18, 2021


Decentralized Financial Services That provide users with a seamless and frictionless Ecosystem


DeFi is a general term given to decentralized financial services such as decentralized exchanges, decentralized money markets, decentralized insurance companies, etc. It aims to replace centralized financial services with autonomous organizations that allow everyone to participate.

Columbus Token is an interesting new DeFi project with a very specific goal in mind: to make it as simple as possible for new people to invest in DeFi. Here’s how they’re accomplishing that goal.

Why we Invest in COLUMBUS?

The Columbus project looks to solve these inherent problems associated with Decentralized Finance and provide users with a seamless and frictionless ecosystem where they can access various financial opportunities.The Columbus ecosystem simplifies finance and gives the users simple platforms where they can easily enjoy the fruits of DeFi.

Voyager DEX — AAM Exchange,DEX Aggregator & Yield Farm

The Voyager DEX is a Decentralized Exchange Protocol and DEX Aggregation Platform running on the Automated Market Maker (AMM) model, for the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) blockchain.

Decentralized Exchange

  • Users can swap their BEP-20 standard crypto tokens on the Voyager DEX by connecting their web3 wallets with the Binance Smart Chain network enabled. The platform works and similar to familiar DEXs such as PancakeSwap and Uniswap.

Liquidity Mining

  • Users can add liquidity to existing token pairs in the liquidity pool and earn passive income. They can also add their own tokens and create token pairs and list their own crypto tokens for their projects. Each liquidity provider will be given Voyager LPs when they stake their tokens. They can redeem these tokens whenever they want by unstaking.

DEX Aggregation

  • Voyager DEX is also a DEX aggregator that crawls across various DEXs on the BSC network and provides users with the best value for their trades. Even if sufficient liquidity is not found in the Voyager liquidity pools, the users can still swap their tokens.

Sailor Farms

  • Sailor Farms further incentivizes users for providing liquidity to Columbus Token (CBS) pairs, as well as other token pairs. Users can stake their Pancakeswap LP tokens on the Sailor Farms and earn a high-APR yield.

Trotter’s Market (NFT Marketplace)

Every platform in the Columbus Ecosystem is built for the people. But the problem with a completely open marketplace is that it could compromise the quality if the NFTs hosted for Sale or Auction

To solve this, we have included a voting system where CBS holders can not only vote on different aspects of the platform but also vote on each NFT listing. The votes and reviews on the listing are caught by the algorithm, similar to how social media platforms measure user engagement and promote these NFTs to the homepage.

Columbus Wallet

The Columbus Wallet is a multi-chain cryptocurrency wallet that lets you hold and transfer cryptocurrencies from different blockchains. Additionally, the wallet is a single access point for users to access various Decentralized Applications (DeFi), and crypto-based financial functions without having to rely on multiple applications.The Columbus wallet lets users access a variety of DeFi services, including that of the Voyager DEX platform.


Token Name & Symbol: COLUMBUS & CBS
Blockchain: Binance Smart Chain (BEP-20)
Total Supply: 10,000,000,000,000
Token Sale: 6,000,000,000,000 (60%)
Initial Market Cap: $1100000
Dev: 500,000,000,000 (5%)
Farm: 25%
Decimals: 18
Hard cap: $500,000
Soft cap: $200,000

Token Flow

  • Any subscriptions or payments on the Columbus Ecosystem’s platforms are made in CBS tokens.
  • Half of the deposit fees on farms and pools are burned forever.
  • All rewards in the ecosystem will be in CBS tokens.
  • The team will conduct milestone-based token burns to help support the price of CBS tokens.



For more information please follow the link below:


Author: Sinseykoin
Profile Bct:
Bsc address: 0xE533580C144e10412822b1BF5b98b67703cce27A

